Republic Day Celebration 2016
Post date: 10-Feb-2016 07:19:56
The 67th Republic Day was celebrated in all its solemnity and grandeur at Ekalavya School, NS Palya, Bengaluru on 26th January 2016.
Chief Guest of the program was Dr. GK Jayaram, founder of Ekalavya schools along with Me. Murali Rao and Mr. Dinesh.
The day began with the hoisting of the Indian flag by Dr. Jayaram, followed by singing National Anthem and pyramid show by students. The students saluted the National Flag and pledged themselves to upholding the honor, integrity, diversity and uniqueness of our country “ India”.
After flag hoisting students gathered in hall for cultural event. The program ran for an hour with speeches, songs and dances.
The Chief Guest Dr. Jayaram gave a motivational and inspiring speech to students and explained the importance of day and greeted all the staff with flowers.
The program concluded with prize distribution by Mr. Murali Rao to students who achieved good marks in academics and also to best attendance achievers.
The students dispersed after snacks with the image of the fluttering tricolor in their minds.
More moments are captured here